The Great Seal of the State of Nevada

NV State Capitol Building – Carson City, NV – 1871

Geothermal geyser in Washoe County, NV
Ariel view of Hoover Dam & Hoover Dam Bypass Bridge

Reno, NV – Welcome sign

Las Vegas, NV – Welcome sign

My Story
My name is Joyce Bentley and I’m running for the United States House of Representatives Nevada District 1
I am “First Generation American” of Dutch/Indo decent. I was born in the United States of America where my parents LEGALLY immigrated, to achieve the ultimate dream of FREEDOM.
Like millions of Americans I grew up middle class, and in h.s. my education was quite normal; with the exception of my recruitment into the Evelyn Woods Speed Reading studies, and the 1970’s educational program known as “Mentally Gifted Minds”. Both programs afforded me, a more than, extended education. I graduated, and briefly attended a state college due to a lack of funding.
I came to Las Vegas in 1978 and started working as a resort representative in tourism – I later became:
1. A Ret. Banker, Trust administrator ap., Auditor ap.
2. A Realtor w/the Greater LV Association of Realtors
3. A Small business owner & Ezine Author
Because the US House deals with economic revenue, bills, contracts, and negotiations, my background in banking, real estate, and business ownership, makes me uniquely qualified to handle these specific matters.
In Congress I will FIGHT:
1. To Preserve the 1st & 2nd Amendments
2. For Pro Life issues – “Born Alive Protection Act”
3. For LEGAL Immigration
4. To limit terms on Congressional Committees
5. To Abolish Lifetime Congressional Pensions
6. To Abolish Lifetime Congressional Health care
7. For an Independent Audit of Nevada’s C.A.F.R.’s
8. For Comprehensive Health Care w/Pre-Existing condition allowances
9. To release all new and innovative Medical and Energy Technologies for the benefit of Everyone
* I believe in God.
* I believe in the Rule of Law, and absolute equality for all U.S. Citizens; regardless of race, religion, creed, age, or gender.
* My Military Family includes my Older Brother USNavy, my Brother-in-law USArmy, and my Father-in-law USNavy.
* I have lived in Las Vegas 42 years
* I love all Animals
* I was a N.R.C.C. member for Dist #1 in 2018.
* I was a Delegate for Ron Paul in 2012.
* I believe a mass awakening has occurred in 2020 for the Truth.
* I have the credentials for this position.
* I KNOW I am the right person for this Job.
When I get to Congress I will help President Trump Make America Great Again and Keep America Great!
Thank You For Your Support